Grey Book
By May Sulpice
Some characters you'll want to know...
Summer, the embodiment of the season, is a bundle of sunny energy. She loves fun and relaxation, but sometimes tips into an intensity that is fun for nobody.
Winter, the embodiment of the season, is a quiet and moody hermit. While her aloof personality keeps most people at bay, Winter is actually a great friend to chill with and talk to.
Autumn, the embodiment of the season, is an odd yet sweet individual. Her only words are “Pumpkin pie,” but Autumn is able to convey a lot more through her actions, especially baking.
Spring, the embodiment of the season, is a lover of attention. Whether it’s blossoms, rain showers, or bugs, Spring likes having the spotlight.
Death is a tired, mellow guy who tries his best. He enjoys hanging out with whomever, whether it be for a conversation or an errand. Death likes it when he gets to be a part of life without having people hassle him.
Doubtful, weak, and easily confused, Chamomile does not have a lot going for him. However, he continues on both literally and figuratively.
Adventurous, loving, and determined, Bandages refuses to give up on anything or anyone. He likes to hang out with Chamomile and take him on hikes.
Brewski is the general name given to all demons. Deceptive, annoying, addictive, and manipulative, the Brewskis offer nothing but heartache. They often latch onto shoulders and heads to make themselves better heard.